What We Do

Securing Your Wealth, Shielding Your Identity, Protecting Your Future.

Without a strategic financial plan, high-earning business owners often pay more than necessary. We specialize in crafting customized asset protection solutions to safeguard your hard-earned income. Our approach combines geopolitical forecasting and proven billionaire strategies to navigate digital age restrictions and civil unrest.

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At Offshore Business Consultants, we navigate digital age restrictions with alternative solutions, designed to adapt to the forthcoming decade characterized by warfare, technocracy, and the Great Reset. While the conventional method of opening onshore trusts remains as an option to anonymize assets, future trends indicate the likelihood of capital controls, stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols and civil unrest, will require you to move your legal entities offshore.

Confidentiality is of utmost importance to us, which is why we do not have a social media presence. In a world where everyone is competing for attention, those who maintain a low profile are a rare commodity.

We maximize our clients’ wealth with kinetic tax structures, to help them keep more of what they make. Our solutions allow you to stay in control, trust no one, move assets off- balance sheet & use protective legislation to your advantage. If you believe that these technocratic systems can and will be implemented in the near future, proactive steps can safeguard your assets, securing personal freedom for you and your family.



At Offshore Business Consultants , we use the following acronym to describe what we provide our clients: STOP

  • Stay in control
  • Trust no one
  • Off-balance sheet assets
  • Protective legislation

To mitigate as much risk as possible, we implement at least two layers of ownership with a wide geographic spread, & the use of agents & trustee services. As the ownership chain gets longer, the probability decreases that any single link’s vulnerability compromises the entire ownership structure. The wider the geographic spread, the more likely that at least one jurisdiction won’t disclose personal details. Finally, professional agents & trustees may conceal the legal owners.

Why is offshore better than onshore?

  • Although a domestic asset protection trust is cheaper to set up, and doesn’t need to deal with foreign laws, regulations and reporting requirements, it does not offer complete protection from domestic creditors and courts. It is still subject to domestic laws, which means that a judge could order you or your trustee to turn over your assets to satisfy a claim against you.
  • Meanwhile, domestic courts do not have jurisdiction over an offshore trust. It offers superior protection from domestic creditors or courts. This trust is governed by a foreign country, which usually has more favorable and flexible asset protection laws. Since an offshore trustee is not bound by domestic laws or orders, the trustee company can refuse to comply with any demands from foreign creditors or courts to surrender one’s assets.
  • Another benefit is that offshore trusts create a significant deterrent for domestic creditors or litigants. It is much more costly and difficult for them to pursue a claim against you or your trust. Foreign lawyers, travel expenses, and prove their case under a different legal system (Cook Islands and Nevis require proof beyond a reasonable doubt). Also, they only have a very short amount of time to bring their action into courts. Once the statute of limitations expires, the courts won’t even hear the case- they will turn it down. Most creditors end up settling for less, or give up all together, rather than going through an expensive and time-consuming hassle.

Offshore LLCs: At Offshore Business Consultants , we suggest clients to incorporate offshore LLCs to operate bank accounts, where the LLC manager is you. The key to our long-term strategy is to compartmentalize assets into their separate legal entities, and to always separate your company and bank account across different jurisdictions. This separation acts as a safeguard against potential threats, such as a Mareva injunction, which freezes assets, or the forced dissolution of the company.

Complex Trusts: In certain situations, we compartmentalize trusts based on their use cases to build a philanthropy structure. Since donations are tax exempt, our solutions offer legal ways to significantly reduce taxes through accounting, loan restructuring & wealth transfers.

Modern Asset Protection Challenges

Mareva injunction: also known as a freezing order or a “temporary restraining order”. It freezes assets in a trust pending the outcome of a trial. This injunction permits a creditor to obtain a court orders freezing assets of an Asset Protection Trust. Once trust assets are frozen, the trustee and settlor often don’t have the financial resources to challenge the creditor’s action in court, meaning that the creditor has won the war without ever having to go to battle.

  • This is why at Offshore Business Consultants, we make sure to build complex trusts with Change of Trustee and Situs of Administration clauses where assets can be transferred from one jurisdiction to another in the event of duress. 

Paper Trusts: these are jurisdictions that lack the geopolitical capability to hold and safeguard trust assets. We make sure to take into account the country’s geographical location, their foreign influence, as well as the case law and historic customs when developing an asset protection plan.

Fraudulent Conveyance: it’s the act of transferring assets to your trust to intentionally defraud creditors. For example, let’s say you have a house and someone sues you. If you transfer the house to the trust the next day, the court will accuse you of a fraudulent transfer; i.e. you cannot hide behind the argument that you don’t own the asset and that the trustee owns it- the court will say the transfer was in bad faith.

  • At Offshore Business Consultants, we avoid fraudulent conveyance with four strategies. First, certain jurisdictions have short statute of limitations for fraudulent conveyance cases to be brought to court. Second, fraudulent transfers are civil, not criminal cases.  In a successful suit, the courts entitle the creditor to recover property that the debtor transferred. Finally, the burden of proof in many offshore jurisdictions is beyond a reasonable doubt, meaning that they have to prove to 95%-97% certainty that the reason you transferred assets to the trust was not to avoid any creditor, but specifically from the creditor filing the lawsuit. This is difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, since the defendant can say that they established the trust for any other reason than “the trust was set up to protect assets from creditors”. Instead, legitimate purposes may include “diversifying investments internationally” or “establishing a legacy for generations”.

Controlled Foreign Corporation: This mainly applies to U.S. citizens and residents. After President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, there were big changes in how the IRS treats income from foreign companies that American shareholders own. This affects trusts too. If a company has over half of its owned by Americans, it’s seen as a Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC). The IRS then taxes shareholders as if they got dividends from that company, even if they didn’t.

  • At Offshore Business Consultants, we help our U.S. clients structure themselves as indirect owners of a CFC, while complying with the 2021 Corporate Transparency Act.